Monday, October 6, 2008

Secrets to Reduce Body Fat Fast!

Reduce body fat fast with some secrets that I doubt you are currently doing. They're quick, easy, and extremely efficient for losing weight almost immediately.
Reduce Body Fat Fast

1. Snack on low calorie yogurts, apples, and protein shakes
The yogurts and protein shakes obviously have protein and the apples have fiber. They're all healthy for you. Most people make the mistake of trying to force through big changes to their diets by eliminating their favorite foods and cutting back on the size of their meals.
This can work... but it's usually mentally hard for people to do that. So instead, focus your efforts first on your snacking. One note... most people think of protein shakes more as meal replacements... I'd much rather you use them as snacks instead. The reason... again, it's a mental thing. People have a hard time on liquid diets.
So you should use the protein shakes as a supplement to your diet and not a replacement for it. All of the above snacks are quick and easy.

2. Go with the trend of mini-workouts
Mini-workouts come in a variety of ways. Basically, the gist of a mini-workout is that you won't do your full workout all at once. Instead, you will break it up into smaller segments.
A mini-workout can be something as easy as doing jumping jacks during tv commercials for 2 minutes. There are a lot of commercials on tv (about 10 per hour)... so this is a very effective way of working out without wasting a big chunk of your time. You get to do 2 things during the same block of time.

Obviously convenience is a big benefit of these mini-workouts since it gives you more control of your time... but another factor that you may not realize is that mini-workouts are actually better for boosting your metabolism than longer workouts. Your body actually CRAVES this type of working out. You stay fresh and recover a lot faster with this method.
These are 2 simple secrets you can use to reduce body fat fast without creating extra hassles for yourself.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...
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If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan
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