Monday, October 27, 2008

Quick Weight Loss Methods - 7 Super Quick and Easy Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss is not always easy but it is always possible, especially when you learn some of the quick weight loss methods used by personal trainers. Here are some tips that can really help you burn fat and tone your body to get the shape you really want.

Here are Seven Super Quick and Easy Weight Loss Tips

1. Don't look at that scale for 7 days. Seriously, weighing yourself constantly is only going to discourage you at first because the weight is not going to leave you in the first few hours. Do your first weigh in at the end of the first week.

2. Start an exercise program that you can do every morning. By doing cardio exercise for 15 minutes, your heart rate should be up in the ideal target zone. Cardio is walking, running, jumping, anything that gets your heart rate pumping faster. After the first 15 minutes of cardio your body will burn start to burn FAT cells only for the next 60-90 minutes.

3. Lose weight fast by adding blueberries, grapefruit, and raw apples to your diet. These are great fat burner foods, they taste wonderful, and they are so good for you.

4. The best quick weight loss methods involve exercises. There are 2 kinds of exercise that you should do every day. These are cardio and abdominal exercises. Both are good for you and great for your body.

5. Make a point of drinking 8-12 ounces of water with each meal. Don't save the water for last. Water will help signal your tummy that it is full. You should always drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water daily.

6. Eliminate 2 things from your diet are processed sugars and white bread.

7. For salads, use a sprinkle of hot sauce to give it a diet friendly kick of taste. You can also sprinkle vinegar and celery seeds on a salad and have a healthy body friendly treat.
There are a lot of diet programs and books that promise to show you quick weight loss methods. Many of these are starvation or very low calorie diets. Others are restrictive diets and only let you eat a few foods and these are hard to live with. These are not healthy for you. You need to eat frequent small meals and include some snacks. When you go for long periods without any food, your body goes into starvation mode.

This is a genetic survival trait that is stronger in some people. Your body thinks there is a famine. It doesn't realize the food is in the fridge and your body panics. It tries to help by immediately storing all of the food that it can get its paws on. So after 8 hours of a starvation diet, when you finally get to eat an apple, your body grabs that apple and stores those calories in fat cells. Don't blame your body, the diet is the culprit. Now you know why you gain weight easily while trying one of those starvation plans.
The good news is that you and I will be the last ones standing if a famine ever does occur. Those thin, celery stalk models will shrivel up and waste away in the first 24 hours. My body is so great at storing food I will probably gain weight on a desert island with nothing but a coconut and some grass to eat.
One of the quick weight loss methods that actually does work is Fat Loss 4 Idiots.
With this program, you have an online diet generator that will create an 11-day meal plan just for you. This means most of the work of meal and calorie planning is eliminated. You get lots of different food choices, 5 meals a day and snacks so you won't be hungry and your body will be healthy and happy.
On the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet plan, the foods are combined to boost your metabolism and burn fat rapidly. You can lose up to 9 pounds in 11 days when you follow this very sensible and easy program. It even comes with a 60-day money back guarantee how many of those other diets do that?
If you really want a fast method to lose weight visit this website:
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Easy Way to Lose 4 Pounds

Here's an easy way to lose 4 pounds in a relatively short period of time. What I'm about to share with you is simple to do, you just gotta do it. If you're sick and tired of being overweight, HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. Read this now and apply these tips.

Easy Way to Lose 4 Pounds
1. Start doing 10 seconds of circular spinning with your arms out
Basically, spin like a top... or like when you were a kid. This spinning has the unusual ability to help stimulate more balance in your hormones. Do these 10 seconds of spinning at least 6 separate times each day. If you're counting, that's a whole minute of your life I'm asking you to use to help accelerate your weight loss.

2. Get a mini-trampoline and plop it down by the tv
Then of course, you jump on it... either while you watch tv or during the 3 minute commercial breaks. To give you an idea, there's about 21 minutes of commercials per hour. That's plenty of time to get your cardio weight loss workout in. I prefer to do jumping jacks on my mini-trampoline.

3. Eat tons of apples as snacks or before meals
Why? The fiber mostly, but also because it has a high water content. Apples fill you up with few calories. 3 apples a day... that'll boost your weight loss by around 2 pounds a month.
4. Do deep breathing for 5 minutes a day

You may not know this, but oxygen helps to burn fat. The more oxygen you inhale, the better your fat burning becomes. Kinda why people who exercise to the point of being out of breath lose weight. So do some deep BELLY BREATHING for 5 minutes a day. Helps relax you also.
Combining these 4 things is an easy way to lose 4 pounds.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...
Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.
If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan
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Friday, October 24, 2008

How to Lose Fat Around Your Hips

Here's how to lose fat around your hips... and all over the rest of your body too. Diet is part of this, but I'll also give you a specific little-used exercise that you can do at home that really SLENDERIZES your hips and the hip to waist curve that helps give you that womanly figure.

How to Lose Fat Around your Hips

1. At-home exercise - hula hooping
This is a biggie. Hula hooping has been proven to get good toning, firming, and all-around definition in your waist and hips area. That's why it's becoming a crazy across the country. What you can do is just buy a weighted hula hoop. They're more expensive than a kid's hoop, at $15-20, but well worth it.

If you don't get a weighted hula hoop, don't even bother getting any hula hoop because the lighter ones will just fall to the ground before you have a chance to even twirl the thing twice around your waist. The added weight slows the hula hoops down to the point where your hips won't have a problem swaying to keep it going.
10 minutes of hula hooping will do your hips and waist a world of good.

2. Diet tip - add protein shakes as snacks
Most people make the mistake of using protein shakes as meal replacements. This isn't good because they usually don't give you enough calories and then you start craving food before your next meal. The solution is to eat normal foods for meals and use protein shakes as snacks or mini-meals. The added protein helps to speed up your metabolism while controlling your blood sugar levels.

If you don't like your hips and want to do something about them, these are 2 simple ways on how to lose fat around your hips.
If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...
Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.
If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan
Article Source:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

How to Lose Weight in 8 Days

Here's how to lose weight in 8 days. I'm going to share with you the information. What you do with it is your responsibility. It's entirely possible to lose 5 or more pounds in 8 days. Read this now if you're READY TO LOSE WEIGHT NOW.

How to Lose Weight in 8 Days
1. Supplement with Cold Pressed "Extra Virgin" Coconut Oil
This is a quick fix way to lose weight. It doesn't work for everyone, but it's worth a shot since it only costs $13 for a jar that will last you well over 2 weeks. And just to let you know, I get plenty of emails from my clients saying they lost 5 or more pounds in 10-14 days.
Take 1 tablespoon (while it's in liquid form... it solidifies at about 77 degrees) and swallow it on an empty stomach. Do this twice a day. I prefer you do this in the morning and the afternoon.
The healthy medium chain fats in these are what does the trick for weight loss. Oh, and don't be surprised if your skin, nails, and hair look a lot better while using this stuff.

2. Drink extra water to drop 3-5 pounds of water BLOAT
You're most likely retaining 3-5 pounds of extra water. This happens when you don't drink enough water. Your body gets the message that water is hard to come by, so it retains it. It's a basic biological survival mechanism by your body. To fool your body into releasing that extra water, just drink more of it since the body will then think to itself that water is not so scarce and there's no reason to retain it.
Within a couple days, you should be able to lose 3 pounds or more just doing this.

These are 2 simple ways on how to lose weight in 8 days.
If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...
Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.
If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan
Article Source:

Monday, October 6, 2008

Secrets to Reduce Body Fat Fast!

Reduce body fat fast with some secrets that I doubt you are currently doing. They're quick, easy, and extremely efficient for losing weight almost immediately.
Reduce Body Fat Fast

1. Snack on low calorie yogurts, apples, and protein shakes
The yogurts and protein shakes obviously have protein and the apples have fiber. They're all healthy for you. Most people make the mistake of trying to force through big changes to their diets by eliminating their favorite foods and cutting back on the size of their meals.
This can work... but it's usually mentally hard for people to do that. So instead, focus your efforts first on your snacking. One note... most people think of protein shakes more as meal replacements... I'd much rather you use them as snacks instead. The reason... again, it's a mental thing. People have a hard time on liquid diets.
So you should use the protein shakes as a supplement to your diet and not a replacement for it. All of the above snacks are quick and easy.

2. Go with the trend of mini-workouts
Mini-workouts come in a variety of ways. Basically, the gist of a mini-workout is that you won't do your full workout all at once. Instead, you will break it up into smaller segments.
A mini-workout can be something as easy as doing jumping jacks during tv commercials for 2 minutes. There are a lot of commercials on tv (about 10 per hour)... so this is a very effective way of working out without wasting a big chunk of your time. You get to do 2 things during the same block of time.

Obviously convenience is a big benefit of these mini-workouts since it gives you more control of your time... but another factor that you may not realize is that mini-workouts are actually better for boosting your metabolism than longer workouts. Your body actually CRAVES this type of working out. You stay fresh and recover a lot faster with this method.
These are 2 simple secrets you can use to reduce body fat fast without creating extra hassles for yourself.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...
Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.
If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan
Article Source:

Weight Loss Tips For Women - 3rd World Weight Loss Tactics!

Here are some back to basics weight loss tips for women to consider. If you haven't noticed, a majority of women in the Developed World are overweight. If you've ever travelled around in the 3rd World, you'll notice that a majority of the women are NOT overweight. Here are some of my observations on what you can take away from this.
Weight Loss Tips for Women

1. Walk more
I was amazed whenever I was in a less developed country and saw just about everyone walking. The streets were packed with people walking everywhere. Contrast this to the USA and all you see are cars everywhere and few people walking anywhere. I bet that you or someone you know drives 2 blocks to the corner store instead of walking to it.
Takeaway... walk more. Even better... walk uphill or on an incline. A treadmill can mimic this for you.

2. Eat more fiber
I saw a lot of black beans and lentils being used in common meals in the 3rd world.
The next time you go to a grocery store, go and find them and look on the labels. You'll notice a 1 pound bag of lentils has about 130 grams of protein and 141 grams of fiber. Price... not even 80 cents! That's fantastically cheap for such a healthy food that fills you up. Black beans... a can has 25 grams of protein and the same amount of fiber. Price... 53 cents at Wal-Mart.
Takeaway... add either of these to your daily diet. They don't have to be your main foods. Use them as side dishes. 30+ grams of fiber each day is ideal for weight loss.

3. The big meal of the day was LUNCH, not dinner
If you have the bulk of your calories later in the day, you're just asking for them to be stored as fat overnight. Much better to eat the bulk of your calories at breakfast and lunch.

4. Don't drink your calories
Want something to drink in the 3rd world? Ok, here are your choices... WATER. Most people in the 3rd world rarily drink anything but water. It costs too much. They need to spend their money on food, not drinks.
So get back to drinking more water and be sure to use a Brita type of water filter to get out the impurities of tap water.

These are the perfect weight loss tips for women who don't want to struggle through another diet.
If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...
Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.
If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan
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