Saturday, August 30, 2008

Burn Stomach Fat the Lazy Way - How to Reduce Stomach Flab While Lying in Your Bed

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Here's how to burn stomach fat the lazy way. Basically, I'm going to show you how to reduce stomach flab while you lie on your bed. Only takes a few minutes a day too. It's easy, quick, and you can do it while you watch tv. You don't have an excuse to NOT do these!

How to Reduce Stomach Flab

1. The "hot hands" belly rub
This is what you do...
Rub your hands together. Do this for 25 seconds or whatever. Just create some kinetic heat on them. Then, while you lie down on your bed, rub circles around your belly button. Do this for 20-30 seconds.

Then stop... rub your hands together for another 10 seconds... and repeat. Do this for a total of 2-3 minutes, twice a day for best results.
Once in the morning and once at night.

The theory behind why this works... the heat from your hands basically burn off fat cells in your stomach. The heat passes directly past your skin and into the fat cells.
The heat basically burns them alive. They don't like heat. Now, it'll take some time to get rid of all the fat cells doing this, but repeated exposure to this type of heat will eliminate and burn the stomach fat out.

2. The isometric ab squeeze
This helps to flatten your abs. What you do is tighten up your abs and squeeze them together. As hard as you can. Then hold for as long as you can.
Release, rest a few seconds, then repeat. This also can be done while lying on your bed. I suggest you do it for 3-6 minutes a day, depending on how quickly you want to solve your belly fat problem.

If you want to burn stomach fat without having to do much of anything, I can't think of a better way to reduce stomach flab as fast and easy as with these 2 techniques.
Want more secrets to burn stomach fat? Click for your FREE 19-PAGE report "How SPINNING Around Like a Child Skyrockets your Weight Loss".

WHY get it? BECAUSE reading this article shows you're NOT 100% HAPPY with your body. Today you can fix it. The report will help you lose 10+ pounds, balance your hormones, and give you tons of energy.
I think you're committed to losing weight BECAUSE you read this article. That's an important 1st step. If weight loss truly is a PRIORITY for you, then click to get the free report. 12,000+ women are using the report to lose weight... why not you?
Jennifer Jolan
PS. Click my name at the top of this article to view my author profile and 420 articles I wrote.
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Reduce Your Food Cravings Naturally

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It may be hard to believe that food cravings are all in our head. When we crave something it does not necessarily mean that we are hungry. The part of the brain responsible for controlling memory and pleasure could simply be recalling one of the last times we enjoyed a delicious snack. If we give into these thoughts every single time, we will surely encounter a weight problem. So how can we avoid the temptation and the occurrence of these cravings all together?

One way to avoid food cravings is avoid stress. When we are stressed our brain triggers us to find comfort (usually in food). Some of the most comforting foods while under stress are laden with fat and sugar. Many people will reach for a candy bar, ice cream, or chips. So try to avoid stress at all costs. Another way to diminish unnecessary snacking is to avoid hunger. For instance, have you ever gone to the grocery store hungry? You end up buying almost every single junk food product, from candy to crackers. When we are hungry our brain controls our food wants. And what our brain desires is something delicious, quick, and fattening. This is when we end up grabbing a snickers bar while standing at the checkout line. It is moments like these that we want to avoid. Simply try to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day thereby eliminating your chances of unnecessary hunger.

And last but not least, you should equip your house with smart carbs. This way, when a craving does occur, you don't have anything unhealthy to munch on. Try purchasing more whole grain products, more fruit and more vegetables. All of these foods contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals which will sustain hunger quickly and naturally. So if you experience food cravings, remember that it's all in your head and it can be controlled.

Lyla Feldman writes about health and fitness. Some of her favorite passions include writing about energy drinks and natural sleep aids.
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Friday, August 29, 2008

Diet Tips For Teens - 5 Diet Scams to Avoid

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Do you want to lose a couple of pounds? Are you looking for a healthier lifestyle? Do you want to feel better about yourself? This can all be done with a good diet. But you need to know the diets to avoid, the diets you should NOT use. Since you are still growing it is important that you get the nutrition in your body that you need.

Diet Tips For Teens, 5 Diet Scams To Avoid:

1. Diet Tips For Teens:
If it does not make sense in the long run, do not use the diet. Eating cookies for lunch, or "slimfast" twice a day or eat no carbs at all. This does not make sense. You might lose a couple of pounds but as soon as you are starting to eat normal (because you can not live of cookies for lunch every day) you will gain the weight back and probably more.

2. Diet Tips For Teens:
Diet pills, patches, and other products that promise you that you will lose weight fall under the category of fad diets. Although these products may work for a short while, they have no long term effects for you. In the end, it can actually result in you doubling your weight from the normal.

3. Diet Tips For Teens:
Just because it cost a lot of money it does not mean that you will lose a lot of weight! It does not cost a fortune to lose weight, it might cost you a little bit to join a program or get the right information that you need. But a lot of the big companies like Weight Watchers for example, take advantage of people wanting to lose weight. You have to pay a high start up fee, with some companies you also have a monthly fee and then you have to buy their food...

4. Diet Tips For Teens:
"Hollywood diets" Do not fall for the lose 10 pounds in 10 days Hollywood type diets. "Look like Hanna Montana if you drink this..." These are quick and unhealthy programs and do you think you will keep the weight off? NO.

5. Diet Tips For Teens:
Super Exercise Equipment "This ab machine will help you lose 10 pounds in 7 days" The people that promote all these Exercise Equipment do you think they use it daily or do you think they are actors? I would put my money on actors. The machine might work but if you do not eat the right food you will not get the body you want.

Unless you have a healthy diet, eat the right food and do the right exercises you will not lose weight or become healthy. I have found the program that can help YOU lose the weight you want. It will give you all the right information that you need all the best diet tips for teens. With this program you will lose weight and keep it off!

I am ready; give it to me, the best weight loss plans for teens
Verny L is a successful freelance writer and the owner of Help Me And My Family - Weight Loss Plans For Teens
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What is a Weight Loss Diet Patch?

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We have all heard about weight loss wraps, patches, and solutions that almost seem too good to be true. But, are they? Read on to find out what a weight loss diet patch is, and decide for yourself if it can really help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Weight loss diet patches come in many shapes, types, and effectiveness levels. Some weight loss diet patches make promises of boosting your metabolism or suppressing your appetite and some simply promise you the ability to rapidly shed inches and pounds. But, can it really happen, and how?

After much research, the answer it seems lies in a process called lymphatic drainage. Using this process, some body wraps (few and far between) can drain your enlarged fat cells of toxins and then burn that waste as energy. It seems this is a well-known and highly documented activity within scientific research. In fact, many massage therapists offer a service called 'lypossage' where the end goal is simply that (to rid the bloated fat cells of toxins to be eliminated from the body).

In my personal investigation, I think this process is simply not that well known. With the billions of dollars that the pharmaceutical industry spends on weight loss to educate the public, I think weight loss diet patches are an incredible solution that have been swept under the rug.
So, after much skepticism, my personal recommendation is that you simply look for a weight loss diet patch with this capability (lymphatic drainage). Even if some weight loss diet patches promise radical results with regard to your metabolism or appetite, I think you are still better off with what seems to be a proven weight loss method.

Here are a few weight loss diet patches I've found with this ability: Weight Loss Body Patches & Wraps To Lose Stomach Fat

Brandon Walsh is an Ezine expert author in the fields of nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living and has over 150,000 published article views.
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Food Plans For Weight Loss

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Are you looking for a food plan for weight loss, well have no fear,you are not on your own. In the US alone, 2/3 of people have issues about their weight, from people wanting to lose a few pounds before an event like a holiday or wedding, to people suffering from obesity with all it's related health problems. This may be the first time you have thought about weight loss, or who may have tried other diets and have found they have not worked for you.

There are many types of diet programs on the market, offering a variety of advice, some good and some offering not only inaccurate, but downright harmful advice. The simplest type of diet offers advice on food plans for weight loss. The trouble is, even then there are many different diets telling you what you should be eating, when and how much you should eat. These diets usually come in one of five different categories, low carb diets, low fat diets,starvation diets, prepackaged diet foods and Hollywood/ celebrity diets. But in honesty...

Most Diets Do Not Work and are Bad For You.

So what do you want to look for in your food plans for weight loss. It is not so much what you eat, but how much and how often you eat will be crucial to you losing weight. Eating the foods that you enjoy is fine as long as your diet is balanced. If you are used to eating two or three meals a day, this is not helpful in your dieting. By eating five or six smaller meals a day, this will help your bodies metabolism stay high all day, and your body will find it easier to burn fat. This will burn up your daily calorie intake, and the calories that are stored in your fat. Using these dieting principles you will find yourself losing weight and that the weight will stay off for good.
The correct dietary plans is only half of the battle, determination and commitment will go along way to help you achieve your dietary goals. Maybe you have tried some new "fad" diet in the past, lost a small amount of weight only to pile it all back on again, so you gave up. Now, with the right guidance, you know you can achieve both your short term and long term goals.

Along with your diet you should also make daily exercise a part of your weight loss routine. Just a brisk walk each day, walking the dog or getting off the bus a stop early will do wonders for your weight loss program and general well being. As your weight loss progresses and you feel yourself getting fitter, you will find that you can do more in the way of exercise, swimming and cycling are both good aerobic activities that will get your heart pumping.
If you are looking to lose weight, but want good honest advice that will give you the slimmer, healthier figure that you dream of, Click Here!
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Monday, August 25, 2008

Revealed - The Biggest Weight Loss Secret!

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Many people believe there are secrets to successful weight loss - certain ways that are only available to the rich and famous. So let's expose the myth; the biggest weight loss secret of all is - there's no secret! All that is needed is motivation, bundles of motivation!

There are many things anyone can do for effective weight loss but the first thing to do is hide those bathroom scales - you don't need them!

Can you remember how you felt the last time you stepped on those scales? Not very inspiring are they, you need to find something more motivational to measure your progress.
A better idea is to pull that sexy little black dress, or figure hugging jeans from the depths of your wardrobe and visualise yourself wearing them again. This is a sure fire way of finding that much needed motivation.

The next step is to find ways of burning more calories than you consume on a daily basis. We are all aware that constant excessive calorie intake can lead to obesity. The aim is to understand, and be aware of the correlation between the foods we eat and the calories we burn everyday.
Many weight loss experts suggest that burning more calories through being active to be most beneficial to successful long term weight loss. It is also better to consume five or six smaller meals a day as opposed to three large ones. This helps to keep your metabolism high. The higher your metabolism the more calories are burned - even while resting!

Most diets fail in the long term because of the negative effect on metabolism. Some diets will cause your body to go into "starvation mode" a primitive response to keep the body going during periods of shortage of food. This slows the metabolism as the body breaks down muscle mass for fuel - something you definitely don't want!

So don't starve yourself but stay active. Mix regular cardio-vascular exercise with strength or resistance training for total body conditioning. This will help burn more calories, develop lean muscle mass and, more importantly, improve confidence and self esteem.

Most gym's and fitness centres will have qualified trainers who will produce an exercise programme to suit your own personal needs. However, action is key. If you don't take action nothing will be achieved and you will still be in the same position in twelve months time.
Weight loss isn't easy - it does take grit and determination. The rewards do outweigh the initial discomforts for imagine how you will feel when you finally reach your goal and climb back into that little black dress!

Receive a complimentary weight loss tips and techniques ebook - simply visit:
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Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Most Successful Way To Lose Fat And Weight - And How To Keep It Off

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Any weight loss plan, to be successful long term, should be done gradually, and, depending on the amount of loss needed, under a doctor's care. Having said that, MOST people could stand to lose 10% of their total current weight, and that can be done safely, and surprisingly, fairly easily, totally on their own. I've done it. Here's how.

The absolute first and most critical step is to adopt "responsibility, accountability and consequence". There are predispositions for body shape, a genetic plan for you. I can not be 7 feet tall. Maybe you can not have a 30 inch waist as a man or wear a size 2 as a woman. But I can stand with better posture, wear heels and be taller than I am. And you (and me) can be thinner than we are. Whatever that is. What you eat, how much, and what you do activity wise determines your WEIGHT. NOTHING ELSE. Accept that, BELIEVE that, and you can lose weight.

Calories in, calories out. It is that simple. A pound of weight is 3500 calories of intake that exceeds your needs. Consume 3500 calories less than you need and you will lose a pound. How to eat 3500 less than you need is the trick. Use both sides of the equation. Eat less, need more. I have done three simple life style changes to help me consume fewer calories.

First, reduce caloric drinks. I would rather eat my calories than drink them.
Second, reduce bread, potato, pasta and rice consumption. Not eliminate (unless fat loss is the goal), but center every meal around vegetables and protein.

Lastly, anything I can reach into a bag or bowl and grab to snack on is no where near me. That's it.

How can you make your body need more calories? Increase activity level is one way. But not the best. While you are doing anything more physical than resting, your body is consuming more calories than it would otherwise. If this happens to be a cardiovascular workout, even better (makes for a healthier heart they say). Contrary to what you may think though, you can't burn THAT many more calories doing cardio exercises. But it helps and you should do it (remember that healthy heart thing).

The BEST way to burn more calories is to have more muscle. Two men, same weight, one with 10% body fat, the other with 25%, the more lean muscular man will burn 10-15% more calories 24 hours a day just living. That translates into 250-375 MORE calories he can eat every day and NOT GAIN WEIGHT. Your metabolism rises after any workout. But within 2 hours of a cardio session it's back to normal. After a weight training session it stays elevated for 24 hours. Muscle mass requires 50 more calories per pound (should be protein) to exist on your body than fat.
To get the full benefit of weight loss, incorporate muscle building into your plan at some point. The people you see walking around with bodies you wish you had, were not born that way. They have CHOSEN to look that way.

Responsibility, accountability and consequence.
Steve R. Robbins has been a life long fitness enthusiast. Has the distinction of being able to run a marathon and bench press twice his weight in the same day. All at the age of 50. Editor and regular contributor to
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Friday, August 22, 2008

Lose Weight Quickly - How to Lose Weight Quickly

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Slow Down.

One of the best ways to lose weight quickly is to take your time - when you're eating, that is! The hungry feeling you have when you sit down will go away once you've eaten enough; however, it may take up to 20 minutes for your body to get the message. The longer it takes you to polish off a couple pieces of pizza, the quicker you will feel full. Instead of thinking about the next bite, focus on each bite. Don't load your fork while you chew; lay it down or keep it empty until you are ready for the next bite. This will help you eat slower and feel full faster.

Take Smaller Portions.

It's a known fact that most people eat far too much because they have filled their plate. How often have we heard the phrase about one's eyes being bigger than one's stomach? If you want to know how to lose weight quickly, this is a dieting key. Try taking a little less food than you think you will eat. You can always go back for more, if you really need it. It's much harder to pass up food that is already on your plate, tempting you.

Eat Lots of Vegetables.

While everyone has a few veggies they'd rather not touch with a ten-foot pole, there are many options for the hesitant vegetable-eater. All leafy greens are good for you, especially when you're on a diet. Looking at the variety of vegetables available can help you as you discover how to lose weight quickly. Try a vegetable you've never had before, and use the diet as a jumping-off place for food exploration. You'll have fun and may discover a new favorite veggie dish!

Focus On the End Result.

Don't get in a rush to lose 15 pounds a week; you'll end up losing muscle mass instead of fat. This makes you more likely to gain the weight back, with interest! Keep your goal weight in mind and move steadily toward it. Although it's easy to stray from a diet, don't let slip-ups distract you. Just get back on track and think about your goal. Don't brood about what you feel you are missing; after a few weeks of healthy eating, you'll never want to go back. This is an important step as you teach yourself how to lose weight quickly.

Learning how to lose weight quickly is a habit, rather than a learning process. In many ways, losing weight quickly is just a matter of common sense coupled with a little bit of research and will power.

Looking to lose weight quickly? Or do you just need to lose your fat belly? Either way, these totally free resources will help you greatly.
Brandon Walsh is an Ezine expert author in the fields of nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living and has over 100,000 published article views.
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Free Quick Weight Loss Tips - Lose Weight at a "SUPERCHARGED" Speed!

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Here are some free quick weight loss tips that will RAMP up the rate at which you lose weight. If you're desperate for some fast weight loss results, read this now.

Free Quick Weight Loss Tips

1. Drop water weight with this "trick"

The trick, well, it's kinda boring. It's drink more water each day. Wait, wait, wait. Before you stop reading, you must understand the reasoning about drinking more water.

You have a bunch of retained water your body is carrying around. You probably want to get rid of it, right? Well, you can drop 3-5 pounds of it within a few days by simply "tricking" your body out of it's survival mode. It thinks water is scarce, so it hoards it. If you drink 30+ more ounces of water each day, you body will be fooled into thinking there's a lot of water available so it's unnecessary to retain it. So the body flushes it out almost immediately.

2. Take fish oil pills

This is more a long term weight loss tip. I know you want fast weight loss, we all do. But to accelerate your short term results and make sure you continue to lose weight over the long term (as well as keeping it off), take the fish oil pills so that the Omega 3 Healthy Fats can do their job.
Your body is so deprived of these healthy fats to the point that once you give them to your body, your body does some amazing things. Seriously, as long as you get a quality fish oil pill, you will not only get weight loss results, but you'll pretty much help out any healthy condition you have or are worried about.

Use these 2 free quick weight loss tips and you'll lose weight fast and over the long term... you get the best of both worlds.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...
Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan
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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Burn Fat, Lose Weight - The Secret to Burning Fat Naturally

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The easiest and quickest way to burn fat and lose weight is to get your metabolism revved up by eating small protein-rich meals at regular intervals of three to three-and-a-half hours throughout the day. This forces the body to maintain a steady insulin level that prevents excess insulin being released, thus avoiding fat build-up. Instead, your body must use the energy right away, keeping a consistent fat-burning level.

Never skip meals. This slows down the metabolism. Eating regularly, contrary to what most people believe, is what causes the metabolism to operate at its most efficient levels. Whenever you eat, your body must expend the necessary energy to process, digest, and absorb the food. Consequently, the more you eat (the right food combinations) the more your body burns fat and increases weight loss.

Use the guidelines list below to help you make the right food and exercise choices.

*Eat Lean Protein Foods. The majority of calories from lean protein foods are burned up in the digestion process. This is called the thermic effect, a process that promotes weight loss and fat-burning. Lean protein foods have the highest thermic effect of any other foods. Eat lean meats, poultry, and fish. Never fry your food in heavy oil. Broiling, baking and grilling are the healthiest ways to cook meats and fish.

*Eat Lots of Fiber. Foods that are high in fiber absorb the substances containing fats, carbohydrates, sugars, and the calories associated with them. This speeds up the digestion process resulting in increased weight loss. The highest fiber foods are whole fruits and vegetables (in their natural state), whole grain cereals and bread, brown rice and wheat germ. If in doubt of a food's fiber content, always check food labels.

*Drink Lots of Water. By increasing your intake of fiber, you will need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep the fiber moving through and out of your body. Water also speeds up the body's metabolism, encouraging increased weight loss, and flushes toxins from your body. To keep your body at its peak efficiency level, it must have plenty of water.

*Never Eat Carbohydrates at Night. Carbohydrates provide fuel that your body uses for energy. When your body does not need the fuel, it stores the carbs as fat. Eating them too close to bedtime will always force your body to store them as fat.

*Participate in Aerobic Exercise. No, you do not need to join a gym or wear yourself out by performing a grueling workout. All you need to do is walk! The exercise that benefits everyone and is the easiest to do, regardless of fitness level, is walking. Because it is an aerobic exercise it increases the metabolism, forcing increased fat-burning effects, and maintains it even after activity has stopped. It can be done inside or outside, alone or with a friend.

As you can see, forcing your body to burn fat and lose weight naturally is easily achievable by making simple changes in your eating and lifestyle habits. By making these changes, you will lose weight, enjoy better health and force your body to perform at its peak.

Debra Gropp makes money on the Internet by doing everything from paid surveys to working for affiliate programs. Her articles pertain to the subjects she is most interested in, online income opportunities and diet, fitness, and health-related information.
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why Can't I Lose Weight Easily?

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That's a question I often ask myself, and if you really want to learn how to lose weight easily, please continue to read.

Eat A Balanced Diet

People say, "Why can't I lose weight easily?", but even more importantly than that, you should ask how CAN I lose weight easily. For that question, I do have an answer. Less sugar and fewer sweets for starters. Watch the portion size on your meals. Try five to six smaller meals per day, as opposed to three big ones. This will keep your metabolism up high all day, making it easier for your body to burn fat. The idea is to burn up your daily calories, plus calories that are stored in your fat.

Detoxifying Your Body

Detoxifying your body could be the most important step in losing weight easily. Hydration is such an important factor, I suggest drinking lots and lots of water. Drinking water helps flush the toxins from your body. In addition, I highly recommend fiber supplements and body wraps as another way to relieve yourself from the harmful daily impurities you encounter.

Exercise : Daily!

If you want to lose weight easily, make daily exercise part of your lifestyle. Strive for thirty minutes of aerobic exercise per day. This could be a brisk walk, swimming , or a bike ride. Anything to get your heart pumping is good. In addition, I also recommend some weight lifting a couple times per week. Building muscle is important, because muscle helps burn fat.

Follow these instructions I've outlined for you, and you won't be asking yourself "Why cant I lose weight easily?" --ever again. Instead you'll be asking yourself "Why didn't I do it sooner?"! Now stop reading and start making yourself look great and feel even better.
Want to solve the age-old question of "Why can't I lose weight easily?"

Solve it forever by clicking here: How To Lose Abdominal Fat
Pat Walsh is a highly respected author in the fields of weight loss and nutrition.
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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fast Ways to Lose Weight - Get Thin and Stay Thin With These Secrets!

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Here are some really fast ways to lose weight. You'll get thin and stay thin if you consistently use these secrets. There is nothing hard in what I'm about to share with you, so you have no excuses!

Fast Ways to Lose Weight

1. Use Coconut Oil twice a day

First, the coconut oil needs to be either "extra virgin" or "cold pressed" coconut oil for purity reasons. Regular coconut oil won't get the same results.

So go get a jar. It costs about $13. Then, take it twice a day, 1 tablespoon each time. My clients who do this lose around 5-6 pounds in less than 2 weeks. You can take it on an empty stomach or with food. They both work... however, judging by the results of my clients, 1 of those ways is superior to the other.

2. Spin

Say what? Spin! What do you mean... you're thinking. I mean... spin like a child spins. Spin like when you were a kid. Does it burn a lot of calories... NO. Then why should you do it. Because your hormones are a DOMINANT factor in whether you gain or lose weight.
It's not just about exercising and dieting.

To balance your hormones, thus unleashing your natural ability to lose weight, spin. That's it. And do it often to keep your hormones in optimum condition. Go ahead, try it now and see what happens.

3. Eat only apples and low calorie yogurts for your snacks

I've noticed that it's easier to get my clients to lose weight by changing their snacks rather than changing their meals. All you need to do is eat 2-3 apples and 2-3 low calorie (80 or less) yogurts a day for your snacks. Do this and your weight will start to drop consistently.

Try out these fast ways to lose weight to get thin and stay thin once and for all.
If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.
If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan
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Easy Way to Lose Weight

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Everyone is looking for the special exercise regimen or diet that will help them shed the extra pounds. However, a successful weight loss program is a combination of techniques and diet changes that you will need to implement. If you're looking for an easy way to lose weight, take a look at some of these ideas.

Exercise. If you want to get rid of fat, you must get moving! Fat is stored when the calorie intake is above what your body can use. Exercise is necessary for losing weight, and you'll be pleased with the toned look your body will have. Any type of exercise that gets your heart pumping will help you burn fat. Try swimming, jogging, or even vigorous walking for results. You can also use body wraps to tighten your skin as you lose weight.

Water. Now this is easy way to lose weight you might not have considered. Just drinking water can allow you to drop the weight. It helps you feel full, so you won't have to eat so much. It also cleanses your system and keeps you from having false hunger feelings due to dehydration.

Delay. Next time you get hit with a craving for chips or a powerful urge to scarf down a candy bar, tell yourself "not yet". Wait for fifteen minutes (without watching the clock) and see if your hunger is genuine. Often, we only need to rehydrate ourselves. You may also be in a habit of eating snacks at certain times during the day and find yourself "hungry" at those times. If you're looking for an easy way to lose weight, this is one of the easiest. Just delay your snack or meal until you are actually hungry.

Detox. Perhaps the most incredible and easy way to lose weight, is to detox your system. Your body encounters millions of toxins, impurities, and harmful substances on a daily basis. And, by simply ridding your body of these harmful substances you can lose inches, pounds, and perhaps even prolong your life. There are numerous studies available today quoting the substantial positive effects (weight loss, energy increases, etc.) of detoxification using body wraps, fiber supplements, exercise, spas and the like.
Eat Right. You can also work on your diet. Portion size is very important, and most of us end up with way too much on our plates. Try using your palm as an approximate size for the protein (meat, nuts, eggs), and fill up on fiber and good carbohydrates. Nearly all fruits and vegetables provide excellent nutrition with few calories. A small piece of chicken, a hefty side of salad, and fruit for dessert is a great "diet dinner".

As you can see, there really are some easy ways to lose weight. By using common sense and making a few simple changes, you can lose the pounds for good. Your new lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise will become second nature, so you'll never have to worry about gaining back the weight. Success is within your reach!

Looking for an easy way to lose weight? If so, I'd recommend the following sites: Easy Way To Lose Weight & Lose Fat Belly
Brandon Walsh is an Ezine expert author in the fields of nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living and has over 150,000 published article views.
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How to Successfully Lose Weight

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If you are interested in learning how to successfully lose weight please continue to read. I'll give you some basic ideas how to lose weight successfully and keep it off. If you follow my instructions you WILL see results.

Change Your Eating Habits

Changing your eating habits is the first step in your efforts to successfully lose weight. Cut down on sugar and eat fewer sweets. Substitute some of your junk food with fruits and vegetables. Watch the portion size on your meals. Try eating five to six smaller size meals as opposed to three large ones. In doing so, you will keep your metabolism high all day, making it easier for your body to burn fat. In addition, pay attention to your caloric intake. The idea is to burn up your daily caloric intake, while additionally burning a portion of the calories stored in your fat.

Detoxifying Your Colon and Fat Cells

To successfully lose weight, and keep it off, you MUST detoxify your system regularly. Our bodies are subject to harmful toxins in the food we eat, air we breathe, and the activities we partake in. Stay hydrated, by drinking lots of water -everyday. Drinking water naturally flushes out your body and rids it of these harmful toxins. In addition to hydrating regularly, you should be sure to partake in regular body wrapping and fiber supplementation. These supplements will detox your fat cells, and allow you to drastically lose inches and lose weight successfully.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise is so important in the battle to lose weight successfully. Try for thirty minutes per day of aerobic exercise. This could be a brisk walk, a bike ride, or a light jog. In addition, try to to fit in some weight training a couple time a week. Weight training will allow you to strengthen and build muscle, and muscle is what helps you to burn fat.

Apply these few basic principles, and you can expect GREAT results in no time. Good Luck!
Want to learn how to lose weight successfully? I'd highly suggest checking out: Lose Abdominal Fat - Fast!
Pat Walsh is a highly respected author in the fields of weight loss and nutrition.
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Friday, August 8, 2008

Weight Loss Secrets

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Weight loss secrets that helped an 83 year old lady keep up with her younger family members and leave them wondering what happened!!

I had a lady call me concerned that she was getting heavier even though she had tried to cut back her food intake to no avail.

We chatted for a while and then decided to try a different method.
Her thoughts were that surely if you missed a meal or two, ie eat less food then you should lose weight. And she is not alone there by any means.

So many people miss breakfast, or grab a coffee and run then miss lunch only to hit the pantry at 5 o'clock in the afternoon then have a huge main meal at night to get them through the next day. Anyone on shift work will know what I'm talking about. Who wants to eat breakfast if you start work at 5am and you're up at 4 in the morning.

The difference when you make a few simple changes to your eating habits will start you on the road to a new you.

Remember to measure your body with a tape measure before you start your weight loss program. Weight loss will show up better with loss of centimeters rather than by using the scales.

Have water at your desk or in strategic places around the home so you can keep hydrated. The body can't differentiate between hunger and thirst.

Have a weight loss buddy, a friend or support person to help you stay on track. a weight loss coach is a great idea, someone to be accountable to.

Eat smaller portions and use a smaller plate. Eat slowly and chew every mouthful before the next mouthful.Easy tricks to avoid eating more than you're body can use without putting on extra weight. when you are full it will be around 20 minutes before your brain registers that you have eaten enough.

By following these hints you can lose weight and get the energy to tone up without strenuous exercises or starving yourself by cutting out meals that would deprive your body of essential nutrition. By cutting meals your body thinks its heading into starvation so it stores the carbs in anticipation of going without.

By having smaller regular meals and drinking plenty of water, the body lets go the stored water and fat and so you have a better chance at losing the extra weight and keeping it off. A healthier way of life leads to a healthier body.

Lois Symes has lost 10 kg in 12 weeks and has been a mentor to many people who had a desire to lose weight.

Is Losing weight something that you really want to do?
Are you ready to make the changes necessary to lose weight?

Contact me for a wellness evaluation.
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How to Lose Weight in a Hurry!

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Is your goal to lose weight in a hurry? If it is, this article is for you. Read on to find out how to lose weight in a hurry.

Change Your Diet
It is important to change your diet if you want to lose weight fast. The reason your not your ideal weight is due to your eating habits. Some diet changes you should consider are drinking less pop, eating less fat, eating more fiber, eating more protein, and drinking more water. If you follow these instructions you will lose weight in a hurry.

Get More Exercise
Exercise is a crucial part in losing weight in a hurry. It is important to exercise regularly through the week. Exercise can be as simple as going out for a walk or jog. Exercise can increase your heart rate and burn more fat. By doing this you will lose weight in a hurry!

Detox is by far the most important step in losing weight in a hurry. Some great methods to detoxify your system are fiber supplements and body wraps. Detoxing, along with eating right, and exercising is the key to losing weight in a hurry. Everyday you are exposed to toxins and impurities in the air we breathe, food we eat, and activities we partake in. If you want your body to function as God intended, you must cleanse you system.

In conclusion, losing weight in a hurry, is simple as following these important steps. Remember to eat right, exercise regularly and most importantly to detox. This is the key to lose fat and keep it off.
If your looking for a simple effective solution to lose weight in a hurry check out: How To Lose Abdominal Fat
Patrick Walsh is considered an expert in the field of weight loss and nutrition.
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Extreme Weight Loss Fast

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Your average weight loss plan focuses on loosing 1 - 2 pounds per week as this is what is considered safe for your average person. In some situations it's possible to lose more weight in a shorter period of time, particularly for people who are very overweight. In this article we will talk about techniques that have successfully helped people undergo dramatic weight loss and give tips on how to lose allot of weight quickly.

To experience extreme weight loss fast, you will need to take up a rigorous, restrictive diet and exercise routine and remain focused on your goal. Before you consider this approach, be sure to talk with your doctor to make sure that an extreme weight loss plan would be safe for you. Anytime you introduce drastic changes to your body, you run the risk of side effects and harm to your health. Clearing your diet plans with a doctor first can ensure that you are making healthy choices.

To loose weight quickly, you need to make changes to both your diet and activity levels. Here are some quick tips to get you started...

Tip #1 - Eat More of the "Right" Foods and Less of Everything Else
Junk food has got to go - altogether. Avoid completely any sugary, high calorie foods. These foods have no nutritional value and do nothing more than pack on unnecessary pounds. Fresh (raw) fruits and vegetables make good snack choices. For meals, avoid pasta dishes and heavy sauces. Lean grilled or baked meats with seasoned veggies will give you the proteins and nutrients that your body requires but without the carbs, calories and fat.

Tip #2 - Stay Hydrated
Drinking more water can help with weight loss in more than one way. Proper hydration is important because it can help you avoid "water weight" gain. Plus, your body requires it in order to perform all of the metabolic functions that are critical to the breakdown of fats in your liver. The first benefit you will notice from drinking more water is a decrease in appetite. That's right - drinking plenty of water can help you feel full and make you less likely to over eat. How much water should you be drinking? Experts recommend 8 glasses a day and more if you live in a hot humid climate.

Tip #3 - Increase Your Activity Levels
Simply put, your activity levels dictate to a large degree how quickly you burn fat and calories. Not only is it healthy to be fit, working your muscles can turn your body in to a more efficient fat burner as well. If you are looking for extreme weight loss, you will need to drastically increase your exercise and activity. Finding a workout routine that works for you will help you meet this goal.

Click Here Now to see which is the best diet plan for extreme weight loss fast.
Lose 7 lbs in 7 days with The Secret 2 Fat Loss diet. Read my full review -
Click Here
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Monday, August 4, 2008

Guaranteed Weight Loss - Eat These 3 Foods and You'll Lose Weight No Matter What Else You Do

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I don't care how much you weight, what you eat, how much you exercise, or the amount of protein, carbs, and fats you eat... if you eat these 3 foods, you'll lose weight. I can guarantee you that if you follow the advice in the article, 98% of you will lose weight.

So if you truly want to lose weight, I have the answers.
I'm going to make this very simple for you. This is not hard, but you need to follow what I say. There is some flexibility, but follow the rules.

Here they are...
#1: Eat at Least 3-4 Scrambled Eggs Everyday
Eat as many scrambled eggs as you want. Each large egg is 70 calories and contains 6 grams of protein and 4.5 grams of fat. Basically, no carbs. The bear minimum I want you to eat is 3-4 scrambled eggs for breakfast. After that, you can eat more for lunch and dinner if you want... or you can eat whatever else you want.
But you must eat at least 3-4 scrambled eggs a day. Period!

#2: Eat At Least 1.5 Cans of Black Beans Everyday
You need to eat at least 1.5 cans of black beans each day. A 15-ounce can of black beans contains 25 grams of protein and 25 grams of fiber... and no sugar. Eat black beans with your eggs, eat them on top of a salad, or as a side dish with a lean meat. Whatever, just make sure you eat them at least 2 different times each day. Remember, eat 1.5 cans of black beans each day.

#3: Eat 1 Pound of Broccoli-Cauliflower Everyday
Simple, get frozen bags of broccoli or cauliflower... I prefer to use a combo bag. Steam them up and eat 1/2 of the bag for 1 meal and 1/2 for another meal. That's it.
Now, what else. There is nothing else. If you want to eat other bad foods with this, go ahead... just as long as you eat the 3 listed foods at the bare minimum levels.

This doesn't require much thinking...
1 bag of frozen broccoli/cauliflower costs about $1. 2 cans of black beans cost a total of 96 cents. 4 eggs cost about 48 cents total.
So you'll eat good for under $2.50 each day. Of course this won't be all that you eat, but it's the basis for a good weight loss diet. If you just eat the bare minimum of the foods I listed, I give you permission to also eat whatever else you want... and I'm pretty sure you'll lose weight.

Doesn't matter how much you weight, how much or little you exercise, or anything else. Those foods are magical, so take advantage of them. They're also cheap, so you can't use that as an excuse.
So do me a favor. Eat those foods or I'll take my extra eggs and egg your house. Kidding!

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.
If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan
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How to Lose 30 Lbs - The Importance of Food For a Successful Weight Loss

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Eating to lose 5 or 30 lbs doesn't have to mean stressful calorie counting and precise measurements.
You can loose weight without obsessing about what you can and can't eat.

Dieting may conjure up visions of eating little but lettuce and sprouts.
But you can enjoy all foods as part of a healthy diet as long as you don't overdo it.

To be successful at losing weight, you need to change your lifestyle and your eating habits.
Adapting healthy eating habits together with regular exercise is the best way to loose weight effectively and keep the fats off permanently.

What and How Much Can I Eat?

Dieters are told to eat small 4 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner, together with small snacks between each meal to increase their their metabolism for fat burning purpose.

It has been proven that regular eating will kick start your body's fat burning metabolism, which is the best way to loose weight.

Fruit, especially blueberries, are packed with nutrients and antioxidants and contain a large number of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals and plant phytochemicals that are very beneficial for health.

Fruit is also cholesterol free which makes it to a great snack between your meals together with veggies.

So eat at regular intervals of 4 regular but small meals and 2 "between meal" snacks every day.
This way you will speed up your body's fat burning metabolism and loose weight faster.
Then you don't have to go hungry as well.

If you're struggling with an eating disorder or obsessive dieting, you should make sure you eat even more regularly to avoid an intense and sudden urge to eat large amounts of food.

This way you don't have to obsess about what you can and what you can't eat to
lose weight.

Learn How I Lost 40 Pounds and how you can repeat my Success as well!

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