Friday, September 19, 2008

How to Lose Stomach Fat Now

Want to know how to lose stomach fast fast? This article will show you 6 great tips to lose the inches now-

How to Lose Stomach Fat

1. Most people fail at this, but you need to think small. Set small, specific goals. Goals like 'losing weight' or 'gaining muscle' are too general. Be more specific - reaching a certain dress size, losing 5lbs. Break your goals into smaller chunks so you can see the results. Exercise is one area where you can really see and feel success. Then take pride in your accomplishments and reward yourself. You did it!

2. Eat out less, eat less take outs, fast foods and fried foods... AND drink less fizzy drinks! Instead prepare your own meals - stick to grilling or steaming your foods, AND drink more water. This is a major key to losing stomach fat

3. Foods to include in a healthy diet are brown rice, wholemeal pasta, grainy or rye bread, whole fruit and vegetables (eaten raw when possible), low fat and fat free dairy products, lean poultry (skinless chicken breast), premium lean beef mince, clear broths and vegetable soups, and rice noodles. These foods will you keep fuller longer, making you less likely to reach for unhealthy snacks between meals!

4. Eat low calorie fast food for lunch - In the real world, a busy schedule means you may have no choice but to grab a quick meal at your favorite fast food place. This doesn't mean you have to buy a fatty hamburger and fries. You can opt for a big salad, grilled chicken, a low-cal sub, water, yogurt, and even fresh fruit. Just eat smarter to lose your stomach fat.

5. Interval training is the fastest way to lose stomach fat. This type of training alternates between going hard and recovery to catch your breath in 1 brief session. So ditch the long snail pace cardio, and up your cardio as fast and as hard as you can. Try 8 seconds on, 12 seconds off rule or follow a work to rest ratio as close to your fitness can allow. This means that for every second you work, you rest for the same amount of time. For example, walk as fast as you can for 20 seconds, walk slowly for 20 seconds.

6. Give new habits time - weight loss and change doesn't happen overnight. It often takes 6 months for revamped eating and exercise habits to feel natural or almost automatic. Make it a point to make one small change daily, like eating 2 more serves of veggies, eating less treats or going for that run today. A change a day should be your aim.

For The BEST Workout And Diet Plan on How to Lose Inches Fast, You Can Download THREE FREE FAT LOSS REPORTS While It Is Still Available ==> Quick Ways to Lose Weight - You'll Learn Amazing Secrets to Fat Burning Foods to Eat, and THE Ultimate Hard-Body Exercises To Ramp Up Your Fat Burning Metabolism!!
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