Saturday, September 6, 2008

Need to Lose Weight? - 7 Fat Burning Tips That You Won't Hear From Your Personal Trainer

Loose Weight,Weight Loss,Weight Loss Fast, Lose Weight

One of the most important and overlooked aspects to losing weight is "pH balance". In a nutshell, pH balance in your body is about eliminating excess acids stored in your body and reducing the amount of acidic foods you eat. You also need to increase the amount of alkaline foods and drinks you consume.

The following 7 tips will get your body into pH balance and cause the excess fat to melt off of your body.

1. Eat a Salad With Every Meal (Even If It's A "Bad" Meal) - Green leafy vegetables are alkalizing and help to neutralize acids. Eat plenty of fresh green veggies including: lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, and celery amongst many others. Eating fresh veggies will ensure you are getting your nutrients while neutralizing acids and improving digestion.

2. Increase Your Salt Intake - Yes, you read that right. Salt is essential to perform every function of the human body. Plus, salt is alkaline and neutralizes acid. The key is to make sure you use a natural, unheated, unprocessed salt. You can find plenty of natural sea salts at your local health food store.

3. Eat More Fat - Don't be a fat phobic. There are "good" fats and "bad" fats. Good fats are alkaline and bad fats are acidic. Good fats neutralize acids, binding with them and eliminating them from the body. Sources of good fats include: avocados, olive and flax seed oils, fish oils, and nut oils.

4. Exercise Slower - The "no pain, no gain" theory just doesn't fly if your goal is to lose weight and be healthy. The more intense your workouts are and the higher your heart rate is, then the more sugar you are burning. If you're burning sugar, then you're burning less fat. And more importantly, burning sugar leads to more acid production by your muscles, which will cause your body to store more fat.

5. Get Off The Soft Drinks and Coffee - Sodas and coffees are some of the most acidic beverages you can consume. Even diet sodas can cause you to retain fat because they are highly acidic. Design a plan to wean off of these toxic drinks. As your body gets into balance your cravings for these risky beverages will decrease.

6. Decrease Sugars - There is a misconception that certain sugars are good for you. There are no "good" sugars, only "bad". There are the obvious sources of sugar such as candy, donuts, and soft drinks. Don't overlook the sugar from sugary fruits, breads, and pastas.

7. Drink Lots of Alkaline Fluids - This is by far the most important element to alkalizing your body and "peeing" the fat off. Most tap and bottled waters are actually acidic and can lead to fat retention. You can make alkaline water in your own home with "ionizer" machines or with powdered green vegetables and "pH drops". Which ever way you decide to get your alkaline water, be sure to drink lots of it. At least one liter for every 40 pounds of body weight.

When you incorporate these strategies into your lifestyle, you will watch the fat melt away while becoming healthier than ever. Start with one strategy and gradually work all seven into your lifestyle for a healthier leaner body.
Get FREE expert weight-loss coaching from experienced physical therapist, Dean Teitelbaum. This FREE weight-loss coaching is a personal one-one-one program designed to get your body into "pH balance". Just go to and you can be on a healthier path within a few days. Expert advice that won't cost you a dime!
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Loose Weight,Weight Loss,Weight Loss Fast, Lose Weight

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