Monday, September 1, 2008

How to Lose Weight Healthily and Sensibly

Loose Weight,Weight Loss,Weight Loss Fast, Lose Weight

How do I lose weight healthily without harming my body? It is hard to lose weight if one does not do it properly. In fact, over the past few years, many people who have tried to lose weight using their own methods have ended up injuring themselves, or gained more weight than before.

The focus of losing weight healthily is to lose small amounts of it over a period of time. Now why is that so if little weight is lost over some time? The traditional thinking is that the more weight one loses, the more effective the programme is. For example, an obese person weighing over a hundred kilograms loses 20 kilograms over two months through an intensive training programme, and people call that effective. However, you cannot apply the same principle to a person who, let's say, share the same height as the earlier person, yet only weighs 80kg.

The second person does not need to shed as much weight as the first one, so probably shedding 10kg over two months is considered effective. The point I'm trying to get across is that weight loss is not constant but varies among people.

Starving or eating too little is not a way to lose weight healthily. Sure, you may lose a significant amount of weight throughout the ordeal, but that results in other health problems like sleeplessness, fatigue, and weakness. Furthermore, if you are not obese yet you lose over 20kg in a short period of time, there is a high chance that you could have shed the muscles and skins inside your body together with the fats, and that is equivalent to damaging the body adversely.

Therefore, what you should do is to be patient and come up with a training regime that does not tax the body. For example, if you like running, run for at least 30 mins each day, three times a week. Once your body is conditioned, you may want to increase the intensity of your training. However, the rule of thumb is to allocate a day of rest between any two sessions for the body to recover.

In addition, cut down on food consumption if you know that you eat a lot. The trick is to eat less carbohydrate-laden food and more meat and vegetables. Carbo foods include rice, potatoes and bread. Unless you are someone who is always on the move, you do not need that much carbohydrates each day.

You may want to consider water as your only source of thirst-quencher from today onwards. Instead of ordering drinks during lunch or dinner, just whip out your water bottle and drink water. After all, your purpose is to quench your thirst, not to fill your body with lots of liquid.
Stay healthy, lose weight! Do not lose weight through sacrificing your health!

Thousands of people have failed to lose weight, but many others have succeeded in their quest to do so! Are you one of those who have failed, and are struggling to find the proper way to cut down on your weight and fats? Lose weight healthily now!
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Loose Weight,Weight Loss,Weight Loss Fast, Lose Weight

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