Sunday, January 18, 2009

Green Tea - A Powerful Diet Aid For Weight Loss

China has used green tea diet aid as a medicinal and herbal beverage for over 4,000 years. The Chinese believed greatly in the ability and healing powers of the green tea to the extent where they used this tea to treat every ailment from depression to headaches.

They also saw the tea as a diet aid and used it for that purpose. For a number of years that have past, scientists have carried out several researches to identify what compound the green tea diet aid contains, which makes it not only a powerful health drink but also a diet aid. The scientists have found out that the tea antioxidant content is high. The antioxidants in the tea are the reasons why the green tea has so many health benefits and is used as a diet aid.

'American Journal of Clinical Nutrition' published a research, which highlighted green tea diet aids. Swiss and American scientists conducted a study at the Geneva University and concluded that there are certain compounds present in green tea diet aid that helps to promote theremogenesis, which takes place in the body. Dr. Abdul Dullo, the lead scientist gave a press release where he said that diet aid and weight loss can only be achieved in two ways. When energy expenditure is increased or energy intake is reduced this can lead to diet aid. Green tea contains compounds which seem to increase the metabolic rates in the body and consequently suppressing the appetite. This is what makes the tea ideal to use as a diet aid.

Ten men, young and healthy from Geneva University were experimental subjects used by Dr. Dullo and the entire team to carry out the study. They assumed the main component, which increases the chances of green tea being a powerful diet aid could be caffeine. They provided their subjects with a western diet to confirm their theory about green tea diet aid. The western diet contained 40% fat, 13% protein and 47% carbohydrates. The researchers determined their participant energy expenditure by measuring them three times everyday. Energy expenditure is used to determine quantity of calories burnt within twenty four hours. They tried to find the level of efficiency in the subject's body to utilize fats, protein and carbohydrates to track their respiration quotient.

They interpreted the collected data and discovered that the men who consumed green tea diet aid on a regular basis had significantly increased their energy expenditure per every 24 hours by 4%. They also realized that the green tea increases the amounts of fats burning since it reduces respiration quotient. However, the metabolic rates for the men who did not consume green tea diet increased only slightly and there was almost no visible reduction in respiration quotient. The scientists interpreted from their findings that what makes the green tea to be a powerful diet aid is the high percentage of catechin polyphenol substance. These substances found in green tea alter the body's utilization of the norepinephrine hormone, which increases metabolism and enabling diet aid.

The conclusion was that the benefits of green tea in diet aid are as a result of its high content in catechin polyphenol and antioxidants, which lead to diet aid by increasing the rate of burning fats and calories.
Green Tea has been on TV shows like Oprah, FOX News and CBS. CLICK HERE To Understand Complete Benefits Of Green Tea & To Try Green Tea for FREE!
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