Friday, August 8, 2008

Weight Loss Secrets

Loose Weight,Weight Loss,Weight Loss Fast, Lose Weight

Weight loss secrets that helped an 83 year old lady keep up with her younger family members and leave them wondering what happened!!

I had a lady call me concerned that she was getting heavier even though she had tried to cut back her food intake to no avail.

We chatted for a while and then decided to try a different method.
Her thoughts were that surely if you missed a meal or two, ie eat less food then you should lose weight. And she is not alone there by any means.

So many people miss breakfast, or grab a coffee and run then miss lunch only to hit the pantry at 5 o'clock in the afternoon then have a huge main meal at night to get them through the next day. Anyone on shift work will know what I'm talking about. Who wants to eat breakfast if you start work at 5am and you're up at 4 in the morning.

The difference when you make a few simple changes to your eating habits will start you on the road to a new you.

Remember to measure your body with a tape measure before you start your weight loss program. Weight loss will show up better with loss of centimeters rather than by using the scales.

Have water at your desk or in strategic places around the home so you can keep hydrated. The body can't differentiate between hunger and thirst.

Have a weight loss buddy, a friend or support person to help you stay on track. a weight loss coach is a great idea, someone to be accountable to.

Eat smaller portions and use a smaller plate. Eat slowly and chew every mouthful before the next mouthful.Easy tricks to avoid eating more than you're body can use without putting on extra weight. when you are full it will be around 20 minutes before your brain registers that you have eaten enough.

By following these hints you can lose weight and get the energy to tone up without strenuous exercises or starving yourself by cutting out meals that would deprive your body of essential nutrition. By cutting meals your body thinks its heading into starvation so it stores the carbs in anticipation of going without.

By having smaller regular meals and drinking plenty of water, the body lets go the stored water and fat and so you have a better chance at losing the extra weight and keeping it off. A healthier way of life leads to a healthier body.

Lois Symes has lost 10 kg in 12 weeks and has been a mentor to many people who had a desire to lose weight.

Is Losing weight something that you really want to do?
Are you ready to make the changes necessary to lose weight?

Contact me for a wellness evaluation.
Article Source:

Loose Weight,Weight Loss,Weight Loss Fast, Lose Weight

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