Saturday, August 30, 2008

Reduce Your Food Cravings Naturally

Loose Weight,Weight Loss,Weight Loss Fast, Lose Weight

It may be hard to believe that food cravings are all in our head. When we crave something it does not necessarily mean that we are hungry. The part of the brain responsible for controlling memory and pleasure could simply be recalling one of the last times we enjoyed a delicious snack. If we give into these thoughts every single time, we will surely encounter a weight problem. So how can we avoid the temptation and the occurrence of these cravings all together?

One way to avoid food cravings is avoid stress. When we are stressed our brain triggers us to find comfort (usually in food). Some of the most comforting foods while under stress are laden with fat and sugar. Many people will reach for a candy bar, ice cream, or chips. So try to avoid stress at all costs. Another way to diminish unnecessary snacking is to avoid hunger. For instance, have you ever gone to the grocery store hungry? You end up buying almost every single junk food product, from candy to crackers. When we are hungry our brain controls our food wants. And what our brain desires is something delicious, quick, and fattening. This is when we end up grabbing a snickers bar while standing at the checkout line. It is moments like these that we want to avoid. Simply try to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day thereby eliminating your chances of unnecessary hunger.

And last but not least, you should equip your house with smart carbs. This way, when a craving does occur, you don't have anything unhealthy to munch on. Try purchasing more whole grain products, more fruit and more vegetables. All of these foods contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals which will sustain hunger quickly and naturally. So if you experience food cravings, remember that it's all in your head and it can be controlled.

Lyla Feldman writes about health and fitness. Some of her favorite passions include writing about energy drinks and natural sleep aids.
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Loose Weight,Weight Loss,Weight Loss Fast, Lose Weight

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